with care
and respect

“Avocados grow with care
and respect for nature and people.
Because nourishing your well-being feels good!”

Abacates e Avocado Tsuge

Tsuge Avocado


Avocado Hass

The Hass avocado originated from the crossbreeding of Mexican and Guatemalan races, discovered by producer Rudolph Hass in California (USA) in 1926. With fruits of high oil content, it is the most important variety in the global market, darkening almost to black when ripe.

Oil content: 21.0
Pulp: Fiberless | Yellow
Skin: Very rough | Purple | Thick
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: May to August
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 140 to 300g
Floral Group: A

Harvest at:
Altitude > 1000 m: Late | October to December
Altitude ~ 500 m: Early | March to April

Abacate Breda

The Breda avocado, likely resulting from the natural crossbreeding of the Antilhana and Guatemalan varieties, was selected in the 1930s in Cordeirópolis (SP), Brazil, by nurseryman Natalino Breda. This variety has been chosen due to good production, late fruiting, smooth green skin, and market acceptance.

Oil content: 12.2%
Pulp: Fiberless | Yellow
Skin: Smooth | Green | Thin
Shape: Elliptical
Harvest: August to November
Ripening: Late
Fruit weight: 400 to 800g
Floral Group: A

Abacate Fortuna

Fortuna Avocado, selected by nurseryman Armindo Benati in Campinas (SP) in the 1960s, originated from the Antilhana and Guatemalan races. The fruits are big, weighing between 600 and 1,000g, with a pyriform shape, smooth dark green skin, yellow pulp, and loose pit.

Oil content: 8.5%
Pulp: Fiberless | Yellow
Skin: Medium roughness | Green | Medium
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: March to June
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 600 to 1000g
Floral Group: A

Abacate Margarida

The Margarida avocado, selected by Miguel Makiyama in Arapongas (PR), honours his wife Margarida. It exhibits characteristics of the Guatemalan race, such as new leaves with a purplish colour and round fruits with rough skin. The pulp is light green, and the pit is small.

Oil content: 15.0%
Pulp: Fiberless | Light green
Skin: Rough | Green | Thick
Shape: Spheroid
Harvest: July to December
Ripening: Late
Fruit weight: 800g
Floral Group: B

Abacate Quintal

The Quintal avocado originated at a backyard family property in Cordeirópolis, São Paulo. With characteristics of the Antilhana and Guatemalan races, it has large fruits ranging from 500 to 900g, with a pyriform shape and a prominent ´neck`. The skin is light green and smooth, the pulp is yellow, and the pit adheres to the pulp.

Oil content: 14.7%
Pulp: Fiberless | Green
Skin: Medium roughness | Green | Medium
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: March to June
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 500 to 800g
Floral Group: B

Packing House

With a built area of 5,600 square meters and state-of-the-art equipment, our packing house selects and keeps the best fruits under rigorous quality control.

Separação das frutas de avocado Tsuge

fruit selection

Fruit quality selection equipment using artificial intelligence with high-resolution cameras and specialized software. The system analyzes around 200 photos of each fruit, detecting defects, identifying colours and textures, and classifying the fruits into different quality categories.


Rainforest Alliance
GlobalGAP Grupo Tsuge
HACCP Grupo Tsuge
GRASP Grupo Tsuge
IFS Food Certificado Grupo Tsuge
Frutas do Brasil Certified Grupo Tsuge
Frutas do Brasil Certified Grupo Tsuge
Mesa Brasil SESC

After four years of partnership with the National Food Bank, Grupo Tsuge has donated approximately 160,000 kilograms of avocados to the Mesa Brasil SESC program.

Mea Brasil Sesc


That is our most important commitment! We focused on creating a positive legacy for the communities we operate in and for society at large. Your efforts in pursuing sustainable results and your actions in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) areas are commendable.


Produce healthy food to benefit employees, customers, society, and the environment.


Gaining ground in the market thanks to credibility, the quality of our products and respect for consumers, communities and the environment.


Sustainability, quality, and respect.
Historia da Familia Tsuge

Our History

Agriculture has always been a part of the Tsuge Group, with its history rooted in family tradition, care, and respect for the land, passed down from generation to generation, originating in Japan, where they aimed to offer their products in the best markets and add quality and value.

These values accompanied the Tsuge Family after they came to Brazil in 1954. In 1974, Naohito decided to establish in the municipality of São Gotardo, where he acquired three plots aiming to cultivate rice, soybeans, and coffee.
However, the rice crop struggled due to the high altitude in the region, and the first soybean harvest yielded less than ten sacks, leaving only coffee. Learning came through practice and the use of appropriate technologies for the lands of the Minas Gerais Cerrado region.

The work and dedication of the Tsuge Family made a difference once again. Working with perennial crops like coffee, they learned to plan for the long term. Achieving this future vision, they decided to diversify with avocado cultivation, which is now the main and only crop of the Tsuge Group.

Today, the Tsuge Group aims to be a global reference in avocado hass production, a variety known for its distinctive flavour. With the mission of offering Brazilian consumers the same quality product exported to Argentina and Europe, the Tsuge Group bases its production on obtaining the highest international quality certifications. 

The Tsuge Group

The Tsuge Group has been a pioneer in sustainable farming practices since 1974. Focused on environmental protection, biodiversity preservation, and employee well-being, the Group has always sought to produce avocados responsibly and with social consciousness, setting an example for fruit growers. The Tsuge Group is a benchmark in agriculture.

The ripening of Tsuge avocado

"See how to identify when the 'Hass Avocado' is ripe!"
Avocado Está Verde
It's green
Green color

Freshly picked
from the tree,
the avocado
is very hard.

Avocado Quase Maduro
Almost ripe

still firm,
but already
to pressure.

Avocado Maduro
It's ripe
Dark color and soft

The ripe
yields easily
to gentle

Tsuge avocado seedlings

Muda Avocado Hass
Hass avocado seedlings

Skin: Very Rough
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: May to August
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 140 to 300g
Floral Group: A

Harvest at:
Altitude > 1000 m: Late | October to December
Altitude +- 500 m: Early | March to April

Muda Abacate Breda
Breda avocado seedlings

Skin: Smooth
Shape: Elliptical
Harvest: August to November
Ripening: Late
Fruit weight: 400 to 800g
Floral Group: A

Muda Abacate Fortuna
Fortuna avocado seedlings

Skin: Medium Roughness
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: March to June
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 600 to 1000g
Floral Group: A

Muda Abacate Margarida
Margarida avocado seedlings

Skin: Rough
Shape: Spheroid
Harvest: July to December
Ripening: Late
Fruit weight: 800g
Floral Group: B

Muda Abacate Quintal
Quintal avocado seedlings

Skin: Medium Roughness
Shape: Pyriform
Harvest: March to June
Ripening: Medium
Fruit weight: 500 to 800g
Floral Group: B

Viveiro de Mudas de Abacate Tsuge
Tsuge Group Avocado Seedlings Nursery

The Tsuge Group's avocado seedlings nursery is located in Rio Paranaíba - MG, BRAZIL. You can contact them via WhatsApp at +55 34 99838-1518 or by email at

What do you know about Avocado

Avocado Hass is a fruit with resistant skin, soft flesh, mild flavour and a creamy texture. It is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. It is often present in salads, guacamole, Mexican dishes, sandwiches, smoothies, and other dishes. Some studies also suggest that avocado consumption may have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Yes, avocado is considered a very nutritious fruit. It is rich in healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamins K, E, C, and B-6. Additionally, avocado is a good source of dietary fibre, which can help promote healthy digestion and a feeling of fullness. It also contains antioxidants, such as carotenoids and polyphenols, which can help protect cells from cellular damage.

Yes, people who practice sports can eat avocados. Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, which can help provide energy during physical activity. It is also a good source of fibre, potassium, and vitamin K. These elements can be healthy. However, avocados are also relatively high in calories, so they must be included in a balanced diet and avoid overeating.

Yes, children can consume avocado. Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, which are favourable for the growth and development of children. It is also a good source of fibre, potassium, and vitamin K. Those elements are beneficial.

However, avocados are relatively high in calories, so they may be included in a balanced diet and avoid overeating. Additionally, some children may have food allergies. So is worth observing if they get reactions after consuming avocado.

It is recommended that children consume a variety of foods to ensure good nutrition. Avocados can be included in children's diets, but it is important to avoid excess and include other fruits. 

Choose ripe avocados: They should be soft to the touch and have a uniform colour. If you need them ripe quickly, store them with apples or bananas (these release ethylene, a natural gas that accelerates fruit ripening).

Store correctly: If you're not using the avocado immediately, store it in the refrigerator to prevent it from ripening and becoming soft quickly.

Consume promptly: Guacamole made with ripe avocado should be consumed soon after preparation, as avocado darkens quickly after being cut and exposed to air.

Avoid waste: If you only need half of the avocado, store the other half with the pit and wrap it in plastic film or a plastic bag to prevent it from darkening.

Use in different preparations: Avocado is versatile and can be used in various dishes, such as guacamole, salad dressing, smoothies, desserts, etc.

Avoid overeating: Remember that avocado is relatively high in calories, so it's important to include it in a balanced diet and avoid overeating. 

Here's an easy and delicious guacamole recipe


2 ripe avocados
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste


Cut the avocados in half, remove the pit and mash the pulp with a fork or potato masher.
Add the tomatoes, onion, lemon juice, garlic powder, cayenne pepper (if desired) and mix well.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately or store in the fridge until ready to serve.
You can accompany the guacamole with toast, nachos, or use it as a filling for sandwiches, tacos, burritos, etc.

You can try adding other ingredients such as green peppers, spring onions, coriander, etc. to vary the flavor.

Receita de Guacamole



Grupo Tsuge
Rua Coronel Fonte Boa, nº 662
São Gotardo, MG - Brazil 
CEP 38800-000

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